Original Source Info

Level 3

Original Source Info

Hi -

We imported approx. 50K records into the DB that we want to be able to treat separately (for now); ie: not included in DB-wide blasts, yes, able to send to as an isolated group.

To accommodate this I created a custom field named "Origin" and entered the same value in this field for each record when I imported this subset into the DB. Everything's fine so far. My question pertains to going forward.

As a custom field, this column in a smart list can't be sorted. I wonder if I should've used the stock field: "Original Source Info" instead -- as its values can be sorted, or is that field used for something else?


Level 10

Re: Original Source Info

Hi Jim,

The original source info fields are system managed, so you wouldn't be able to edit those.  Is there some standard field you're not currently using that you could put a value in and sort by that?


Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Original Source Info

You can use Lead Source or your Origin field in a smart list and then use that to suppress the list.

Original Source Info will usually look like "List import" and won't be super helpful.

When you imported the original 50k, you should have a Static List with the date and name of the list. You can use that as well w/o any other filters.

Level 3

Re: Original Source Info

Thanks John and Josh for your helpful replies. I'll leave the value in the "Origin" field (at least for now).