@David D Depends on what's "minimal" to you.
🙂This example is about as basic as I can imagine. However it is not scriptless, as you can see.
http://jsfiddle.net/sanford/45x2562z/show/@Justin N Using the CSS :target pseudo-selector you can show or hide elements based on the #hash of the document. Or rather, I should say
an element as the hash, and :target, are designed to highlight/scroll-into-view exactly one element on the page. Works in my first example because we are only interested in showing the one interesting element. In what I built for @David D we are potentially passing
multiple element identifiers in the hash, like #filename 1,filename 2,filename 3. Thus we need some JS to extract those elements for use in CSS. It's not much JS at all, but it may be more than a lot of people can handle without anxiety!