Re: One landing page for multiple downloads

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: One landing page for multiple downloads

@Charlie L I think what @Dan Stevens is saying is if the Thank You page isn't a Marketo LP, then the segmentation couldn't work, because an outside page wouldn't have any knowledge of the seg logic.

I do feel like we are missing some vital information about @June D's setup. 

If she can already pass stuff like the filename in the URL, she may just need CSS, not code per se:

Thank You 1 Thank You 2
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Re: One landing page for multiple downloads

Thank you for all your thoughts.  The form would either be embedded on the website or a Marketo Landing page.  Either would then link to a marketo landing page that would allow the user to download the asset - so the name of the asset and the URL to the download would need to change depending on which asset had been requested.   I am looking for the easiest way without involving coding - so what I am thinking is either create a tokenised template which is easy to create in each programme or add the user to a segment on submitting a form so I can deliver the right dynamic content based on the segment?

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Re: One landing page for multiple downloads

Hi there, curious how this worked out for you as I have a similar requirement to your original post.  Would love to know the details of the approach.  Thanks!

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Re: One landing page for multiple downloads

We would like to do something very similar to this. The request is to have a landing page with multiiple checkboxes for different assets, then the one thank you page would be populated with a list of URLs based on the checkbox selection.

Is there a way to do this with minimal code?
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Re: One landing page for multiple downloads

@Charlie, I haven't seen that segmentation method before, that's neat. 

Does it use the URL parameters to force the lead into a particular segment? Does that override the smart list conditions defined inside the segmentation itself, or do you just leave these blank? 

@Sanford, can you explain how you did that with only CSS? Also very neat 🙂 

@David, That is an interesting challenge because you could have combinations of assets needing to be displayed based on the checkboxes selected on the previous page. 

I suppose the segmentation method Charlie described could in theory work for this, but you would need to create a segment for every possible combination of assets. For example, if you had 5 assets to choose from (and the lead could choose any possible number including all 5) that is 31 different possible combinations. Not much fun! 

If you have a smallish number of assets it would be not too bad. But I would hope there would be a more elegant method than this, perhaps where you would append a series of show/hide values to the URL that would determine whether any individual asset is displayed. Sanford's CSS trick could perhaps work for that. 
Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: One landing page for multiple downloads

@David D Depends on what's "minimal" to you. 🙂

This example is about as basic as I can imagine. However it is not scriptless, as you can see.

@Justin N Using the CSS :target pseudo-selector you can show or hide elements based on the #hash of the document.   Or rather, I should say an element as the hash, and :target, are designed to highlight/scroll-into-view exactly one element on the page.  Works in my first example because we are only interested in showing the one interesting element.  In what I built for @David D we are potentially passing multiple element identifiers in the hash, like #filename 1,filename 2,filename 3.  Thus we need some JS to extract those elements for use in CSS.  It's not much JS at all, but it may be more than a lot of people can handle without anxiety!
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Re: One landing page for multiple downloads

Thanks Sanford! That is indeed what we are looking for. I'll pass it along to someone who has less anxiety regarding JS ;).
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Re: One landing page for multiple downloads

Thanks Sanford.