Old Campaigns Sending Single Emails

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Old Campaigns Sending Single Emails

I am experiencing something weird while looking at my daily email report. I am noticing that many campaigns which originally ran, one time, as a scheduled campaign, are continuing to go out as 1 or 2 email sends, some a few days or up to a week after the original campaign launched.

I am seeing this for many campaigns that I have run in the past. Does anyone know what is going on here?
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Level 10

Re: Old Campaigns Sending Single Emails

Hey Alexander,

First I would make sure they are actually sending from those old campaigns (look at the campaign results or the lead activity records). If you don't see the campaign associated, it may give you another good idea of where these old emails are being sent from... it may be in MSI? If it is the old batch campaign, it should not still be running. Maybe reach out to Support.

Level 10

Re: Old Campaigns Sending Single Emails

Also, is it possible that these were pending delivery and were just delivered? I know it's supposed to stop trying after a certain amount of time, but I can't recall how long.