Re: Nurture Track

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Nurture Track


I have gone through many discussions and articles... But still have a quick question.

Is there a possibe way to create nurture track without using Streams...

Like 3 tracks ( A, B and C)

each track email is sent once in a week  and removed from the flow  it Score exceed 50(assuming) and get added to track D.

Any tips, insights... are welcome..

Thank you

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Re: Nurture Track

This is so easy to do using the engagement program.  is there a reason why you don't want to use it?

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Re: Nurture Track

Yes Cheryl , That's very easy to do. Unfortunately, we are using SPARK, and in that i dont see Add a stream as an option.

I need to have three Streams to make the flow running...

Any valuable advice from your side is really appreciated.

Thank you

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Re: Nurture Track

Hey Sonia,

Steps to acheive the problem:

Create a smart camapign:

1. Use Send Email in the flow
2. Use Request Campaign and Add constraint which will only add them when they will meet the criteria
3. use communication limit in which lead a can enter in program one time in 7 days.

Hope this will help.

Faizal Reza