Notice any issues with "Sync lead to SFDC" since Friday?

Level 3

Notice any issues with "Sync lead to SFDC" since Friday?

We synchronize leads from forms and imports over to using a standardized set of Marketing Activities. We set values for custom fields that track programs and sources. And then a "Sync Lead to SFDC" block sets the owner and syncs the lead. This "Sync Lead" block first checks to see if the lead is a member of a few different smart lists. The first match determines which owner is assigned - sometimes an individual, and sometimes a queue. And the default setting is a marketing-owned queue.

We've run 10s of thousands of leads through over the past few years. Nothing has changed in this block since last October, and nothing has changed over in SFDC. But starting late Friday or early Saturday, the "Sync Lead to SFDC" block just stopped working as it previously had.

In the Activity Log, the step where the lead syncs shows all of the values that are being passed to SFDC; at this stage, the correct lead owner is still set. But SFDC doesn't recognize what Marketo is telling it about ownership, and since it doesn't have an understandable owner assignment, SFDC uses its auto-assignment default to a general-purpose queue. This is how we know when a Marketo sync has failed - normally we see one or two a week of these leads assigned the SFDC auto-assignment default. But in the past few days, every completely new lead fails this first assignment.

However, we can select the newly created lead that has the default SFDC ownership, rerun the same standard sync Marketing Activity, and voila ... now the owner assignment succeeds. It suggests some sort of racing condition, where Marketo is inserting the lead into SFDC before it is telling SFDC about the ownership, and SFDC is accepting it  and is falling back on its default auto-assignment. On the second try, SFDC sees it as an update to an existing lead, and has a chance to read the assignment from Marketo as an "update."

Anyway, the essential question is: has anyone seen "Sync lead to SFDC" creating incorrect assignments in the past few days? Does this jibe with anything you've been seeing? We've been up and down Marketo and SFDC looking for changes might be having an effect, and aren't coming up with anything. We've also logged a support ticket, but thought it couldn't hurt to get other insights if possible.

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Re: Notice any issues with "Sync lead to SFDC" since Friday?

I am also seeing issues with "Sync lead to SFDC," but my issue seem to be different.  When contacts (that already exist in SFDC) fill out a form, if they provide a first name and last name that is different than what we have in SFDC (even if it's the same name but in all caps), the entire sync is failing (on every field).  We do not allow Marketo to update first and last name in SFDC, but this has never been a problem before.

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Re: Notice any issues with "Sync lead to SFDC" since Friday?

To expand upon this, if I update the first name and last name in Marketo to match the SFDC record, the sync is then successful.  So because we have the first and last name fields in SFDC locked from updates from Marketo, if Marketo tries to update those fields, the entire sync is failing.  This never happened before that I can recall.