Re: New Lead generated from campaign

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New Lead generated from campaign

Whether thru a report in analytics or via a smart campaign – how we can determine the new leads that resulted from a campaign. For example, a campaign went out, and it looks like we may’ve got 20 new Lead Records as a result. I need to see if it was truly from this campaign and how we can build in a step for each campaign to see if we get new contacts from them.
For example a lead didnt exisit in SF before the campaign.  Wonder if the new Lead record was generated as a result of this campaign. Reason being, maybe she was forwarded the email by a friend and she’s a better person we should be selling our product to.  We are currently not using the forward to a friend.

Tags (1)
Level 10

Re: New Lead generated from campaign

- Is your campaign part of a program? In this case you can run a report on" Acquisition program is XX". (or you can also view on the Program level how many new leads were acquired b/c of the program)
- Does your campaign use a specific form? In this case you can run report on "Lead Was Created" + add constraint "Form name isXX"
- If form is not specific, you can run report on "was sent Campaign XX" + "Lead Was Created" + add constraint "Form name is XX"


Not applicable

Re: New Lead generated from campaign

Yes the campaign is part of a program.  Would I create said report in the analytics area? 
Level 10

Re: New Lead generated from campaign

if you are looking at names (vs numbers) you need to create this report in the lead database tab.

BTW  in the program (under members) you can see new leads (ones with a figure)



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Re: New Lead generated from campaign

I am having trouble figuring out the filters to use to find the leads from a specific campaign.  Could you point me in the right direction??

Not applicable

Re: New Lead generated from campaign

Hi Erin,

You can use the Smart List filter called "Member of Smart Campaign".

Reade Triolo
Level 10

Re: New Lead generated from campaign

We've actually seen this happen where new leads are created.  The person is from the same company as one of the leads, but it's the assistant or colleague filling out the form. 
Not applicable

Re: New Lead generated from campaign

If you are uploading a brand-new purchased, there is a field called Acquisition Program. I usually fill that in to ensure that whenever a new lead or touch is created through that lead list, the acquisition program is labeled. Then I just run a report or smart list usng the acquisition program field and voila = leads created from acquisition program.