Re: New Email Templates

Not applicable

Re: New Email Templates

Thanks so much!

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: New Email Templates

Wow - Litmus Builder!  Didn't even know this existed.  We're definitely going to look further into this as potential core solution to add to our team's toolbox.

Level 9

Re: New Email Templates

Similarly, I believe you can do that with snippets in Marketo. Check out One Template to Rule Them All

Level 10

Re: New Email Templates

HI Andy,

The post you are referring too is more about landing pages. Email template still miss a lot of things, such as variables. And some tehnologies you could consider for LPs are not applicable to emails, such as variable hiding or displaying template blocks (not supported by many email clients) or javascripts (puts your email directly to the anti-virus box).

Litmus Builder snippets in fact are quite different from Marketo snippets. Just the name is the same. Litmus builder is really a great tool to create Marketo email templates. Some other tools such as Knak are excellent as well, easier to get to but less flexible.


Level 9

Re: New Email Templates

Good point.

I wasn't a fan of Knak because of that specific reason. I'll look into Litmus though. Good call out.


Level 10

Re: New Email Templates

Hi again Andy,

You also may want to vote here :


Level 4

Re: New Email Templates

Hi Greg,

If you want an alternative to develop customized emails faster, you can also check the Email template builder from Hoosh Marketing. You save time by creating and editing the email directly in the tool, with no coding required.seg?add=3901497&t=2

Level 10

Re: New Email Templates

Greg - you can also download free responsive email templates from here: Go Responsive for all your Marketing Campaigns

Not applicable

Re: New Email Templates

Thank you.  Yes, I've downloaded all of the ones they have there, but most simply don't fit our needs and so many of the elements are difficult to customize.  I was hoping Marketo would update their library.  Very stale.

Not applicable

Re: New Email Templates

Hey Greg -

I ran into a similar situation and researched a few different options to expand our email and landing page template library. From what I gathered, Knak is the best option.

If you're not finding a specific template style, send them an email. The guys at Knak are super nice and willing to help you build just about anything.

After speaking with the Knak Team, they are also working on making templates completely customizable with a "Drag n' Drop" feature. You'll also be able to create and save a template library, where you can go back and make edits to previous creations. They understand that they're a "one trick pony" right now and that they need to expaind, so I wouldn't write them off just yet!

I'm sure Pierce Ujjainwalla​ can further expand on Knak's plans for the future if you're looking for more information. He's helped me out several times in the past. Best of luck!