I've read this article(https://community.marketo.com/MarketoDiscussionDetail?id=90650000000Pe6nAAC) and still have a question.
> We had a situation with this awhile back when my manager forwarded an email sent to her. Whomever she forwarded it to then unsubscribed. That unsubscribe was attributed to my manager, not the uncookied person she forwarded it to. Not an apples to apples comparison, but to me this means that if you have a cookie, it will not change in this type of situation.
Does it mean if a person who got a forwarded e-mail clicks a link, she won't be a new anonymous lead?
What if she visits a web page?
If she(a person gets forwarded e-mail) visits a web page, will she be a new anonymous lead or will her cookie be tied to the original recipient who forwarded an e-mail? and her future activities will be logged as the original recipient's one?
Thanks for your time.