Re: Need Suggessions to Integrate Marketo with Azure through the API Gateway using authorized channel

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Need Suggessions to Integrate Marketo with Azure through the API Gateway using authorized channel

Hi Team,

Can anybody suggest the different ways to integrate Azure. I have tried using webhooks but getting "Unexpected error: SSLHandshakeException:: PKIX path building failed:"

Below is the procedure I have adoopted


Can we send SSL certificate information via Webhook? If yes please how to send

 Other than webhooks do we have any other ways to integrate Azure? 

please help


Thank you in Advance


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Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Need Suggessions to Integrate Marketo with Azure through the API Gateway using authorized channel

As noted above, if you’ve set your API gateway to require client certificate authentication, you cannot connect with a basic Marketo webhook. Client certs are not supported. (N.B. I don’t know of any product that supports webhooks and allows you to bind client certs; webhooks are usually authenticated using OAuth Bearer tokens, HTTP Basic Authentication, API keys, or other credentials sent in HTTP headers.)


If you want to use a webhook, don’t require a client cert.



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Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Need Suggessions to Integrate Marketo with Azure through the API Gateway using authorized channel

Below is the procedure I have adoopted

You didn't include a procedure?


But the question is far too general in any case. What part of Azure are you trying to use (SQL, Storage, Cosmos, Maps, one of the other ~50 services) and what do you mean by "integrate" exactly?


Please step back and explain your business and technical environment in more detail, and how you wish to involve Marketo in the process.

Level 1

Re: Need Suggessions to Integrate Marketo with Azure through the API Gateway using authorized channel

Hi SanfordWhiteman,

Our task is as belo

Marketo --> Firwall -->Company Azure server 

1. Firewall port is opened to have a communication

2. Marketo SSL certificates have been installed at Azure (APIM) for authentication by integration

3. From Marketo end I have created the Webhook by APIM details (APIM URL provided by Azure team)
Payload Template:{{lead.Contact Us - Comments:default=edit me}}
Request Token Encoding:JSON
Request Type:POST
Response Format:JSON
4. A trigger smart campaign is used to call this webhook and a Batch campaign is scheduled to call the Triggered Campaign so that lead data is posted to APIM over the network.
5. At triggered campaign the error is showing is
"Unexpected error: SSLHandshakeException:: PKIX path building failed: and unable to find valid certification path to requested target"
I have provided all the information what I did at Marketo and let me know if I am still not clear
I need help to understand the different ways to push the Marketo data to APIM over the network.
Thank you for your message and help
Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Need Suggessions to Integrate Marketo with Azure through the API Gateway using authorized channel

2. Marketo SSL certificates have been installed at Azure (APIM) for authentication by integration

Don't understand  what you mean here — Marketo isn’t presenting client certificates to your server.

Level 1

Re: Need Suggessions to Integrate Marketo with Azure through the API Gateway using authorized channel

I am sorry I could not convey my question properly. In another way my question is  what are the different ways Marketo can push the data to Azure. I tried to push the data using Webhook but it is failing. Do we have anyother ways to push the Marketo data to Azure. 


Thank you


Level 10 - Community Advisor

Re: Need Suggessions to Integrate Marketo with Azure through the API Gateway using authorized channel

@dnarwa ,

what azure service do you want to push Marketo data to.

Better yet, step back and tell us the business objective.





Level 1

Re: Need Suggessions to Integrate Marketo with Azure through the API Gateway using authorized channel

Yes push the data to Azure from Marketo. I have tried with Webhook by giving below configurations
Payload Template:{{lead.Contact Us - Comments:default=edit me}}
Request Token Encoding:JSON
Request Type:POST
Response Format:JSON
I have used trigger smart campaign to call the webhook and got below error
"Unexpected error: SSLHandshakeException:: PKIX path building failed: and unable to find valid certification path to requested target""
At Azure end Marketo SSL certificates also installed but above error even after SSL configuration is done.
Do we need both sides (Marketo & Azure) to install SSL? I asked Marketo support team but they are not supporting SSL installation at Marketo side.
I am confused what exactly we need to do to solve the Handshake error.
Thank you for your response and pleaes suggest anything I missed
Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Need Suggessions to Integrate Marketo with Azure through the API Gateway using authorized channel

As noted above, if you’ve set your API gateway to require client certificate authentication, you cannot connect with a basic Marketo webhook. Client certs are not supported. (N.B. I don’t know of any product that supports webhooks and allows you to bind client certs; webhooks are usually authenticated using OAuth Bearer tokens, HTTP Basic Authentication, API keys, or other credentials sent in HTTP headers.)


If you want to use a webhook, don’t require a client cert.



Level 1

Re: Need Suggessions to Integrate Marketo with Azure through the API Gateway using authorized channel

Thank you for your reply. In this webhook I used to push the data to Azure getting error "Unexpected error: SSLHandshakeException:: PKIX path building failed:"

If any solution to resolve above error it will be helpful for me.


Thank you


Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Need Suggessions to Integrate Marketo with Azure through the API Gateway using authorized channel

As already explained, you cannot use a Marketo webhook to directly connect to a service that requires client certificate authentication.


There is no Marketo configuration that will make this possible.


Obviously you could have your Marketo webhook connect to another service that doesn’t require client certs, and have that service connect to your Azure Application Gateway. But that would only make sense if you had no control over the Azure config. Instead, configure AAG to use another authentication mechanism. That is the solution.