Re: Need Report Help - Top 5 Programs by MQL's Generated

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Need Report Help - Top 5 Programs by MQL's Generated

Hello everyone,

I have been trying to create a report in either Analytics or Revenue Cycle Explorer to no avail and I was wondering if anyone could help me build it or tell me what additional set-up I could implement to pull this data properly.

I am trying to figure out the Top 5 Lead Gen Programs in the past 2 months by # of MQL's Generated. We track MQL's by progression stage and a field called "Most Recent MQL Date" that fills in when progression stage is changed to MQL.

Here are reports I have tried that do not work in pulling this information:
- RCE: Program Membership Analysis - does not have "Most Recent MQL Date" as an option for Level, or "Progression Stage" as a Level
- RCE: Program Revenue Stage Analysis - Can pull "Program Name" and "Stage" as levels, but cannot pull number of members as a Measure, only new names or average days to stage, which are useful but not what I'm trying to find here.
- RCE: Lead Analysis - Can pull by "Acquisition Program" as a level, but I'm not necessarily interested in the Acquisition Program as all programs in which the lead is a member.
- Analytics: Program Performance - No 'Smart List' section - can't limit to leads that are in Prospect Stage MQL or Most Recent MQL Date is in specified timeframe
- Analytics: Leads by Campaign or Leads by Campaign folder - I can pull the information I want here, but it also includes many erroneous data processing and lead scoring campaigns, so automating this would be difficult.

I know this could also be accomplished by pulling smart lists of all members of each program run in the past few months that are an MQL based on either of the criteria I mentioned before. However, I'd love to set up this report so that it could automate and send out a subscription.

Any tips?

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Re: Need Report Help - Top 5 Programs by MQL's Generated

I have the same problem.  The Program Revenue Stage Analysis is as close as it gets, but it's only for the New Names not all Members.  Perhaps Marketo only provides New Names because there is a First-Touch / Multi-Touch issue.  They can effectively provide the First Touch attribution to MQLs using new names, but they can't provide a Multi-Touch attribution for MQLs like they can for Opportunities in the Program Opportunity Analysis. You should submit an Idea to add this to the Program Revenue Stage Analysis.

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Re: Need Report Help - Top 5 Programs by MQL's Generated

Hey Kim,

Did you make the Most Recent MQL Date available for reporting via the Custom Field Sync tab of Revenue Cycle Analytics in the Admin section?

I think this report is tough because you are not looking for the Acquisition Program, it sounds like you are looking for which Program touched the Lead last before it was turned to MQL, that right? If so, I don't think Marketo can help you with that. 
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Re: Need Report Help - Top 5 Programs by MQL's Generated

Yep, I synced Most Recent MQL Date but it's only available on lead reports.
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Re: Need Report Help - Top 5 Programs by MQL's Generated

Gotcha. Hopefully someone else has an idea!

As far as my knowledge goes, I don't think this report is doable, but I would contact support to see if they can create it for you. 

Sorry I couldn't be more helpful!
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Re: Need Report Help - Top 5 Programs by MQL's Generated

I have the same problem.  The Program Revenue Stage Analysis is as close as it gets, but it's only for the New Names not all Members.  Perhaps Marketo only provides New Names because there is a First-Touch / Multi-Touch issue.  They can effectively provide the First Touch attribution to MQLs using new names, but they can't provide a Multi-Touch attribution for MQLs like they can for Opportunities in the Program Opportunity Analysis. You should submit an Idea to add this to the Program Revenue Stage Analysis.
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Re: Need Report Help - Top 5 Programs by MQL's Generated

Thanks, Elliott. I'll submit that idea. I'd love to get the same visibility into program -> MQL conversions as program -> opportunity conversions.

Can anyone think of an alternate way to accomplish this? I considered filling in a "Most recent program" field and do an analysis of leads marked as MQL based on the most recent program of which they were a member, but without fully thinking this through I would imagine by default this would end up filling almost always with a data processing program (the one that sets this field) - unless I only put that field in the flow step of Lead Gen programs.

Thoughts? Something tells me this wouldn't work, but maybe something similar would?