Hi All,
We run several competitions campaign that includes a landing page and a Form (Marketo). We share these competitions LP URL with our customers over an Email (outside of Marketo). The issue here is the competitions have an end date, but some users are still filling out the form by going to the URL in the email and filling out the competition form after it has ended
I can set up a redirect to go to a page "saying the competition has ended" after its due date.
However, since the URL for competitions is different and we set up multiple completions its hard for us to set up redirects on every competitions URL that has ended.
Can someone please help me if there is a step (Logic) that I can set up which checks if the event has ended - show Landing page and put the "competition ended page" (can't find any filter and trigger to do that at the moment) or there is another solution to it?
See Robb's and my answers @ Set Landing Pages to Expire