Need help in creating an email report to show me emails scheduled out 7 days in the future.

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Level 2

Need help in creating an email report to show me emails scheduled out 7 days in the future.

I can't seem to find anything on this. Can Marketo create a report where it shows emails scheduled 7 days in the future? I understand there's a calendar, but I would like an email report sent to me every Monday showing me the emails that are in scheduled to be sent out during the upcoming week.  



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Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Need help in creating an email report to show me emails scheduled out 7 days in the future.

I don't think there's a direct OOTB report that could get you details about email programs/smart campaigns scheduled to send out emails, aka, an alternative to the Marketing Calendar. There's no direct API endpoint for this as well, but you can use email/smart campaign/program query API with apt parameters in the GET call to get the details about the recently approved/scheduled assets, but here as well you'd need to slice and dice the results to get accurate data depending on how much you're able to narrow down API response using the query parameters. I think having a proper folder structure, naming convention, and tags would be helpful in filtering data.


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Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Need help in creating an email report to show me emails scheduled out 7 days in the future.

I don't think there's a direct OOTB report that could get you details about email programs/smart campaigns scheduled to send out emails, aka, an alternative to the Marketing Calendar. There's no direct API endpoint for this as well, but you can use email/smart campaign/program query API with apt parameters in the GET call to get the details about the recently approved/scheduled assets, but here as well you'd need to slice and dice the results to get accurate data depending on how much you're able to narrow down API response using the query parameters. I think having a proper folder structure, naming convention, and tags would be helpful in filtering data.


Level 2

Re: Need help in creating an email report to show me emails scheduled out 7 days in the future.

Thank you for your advice. Could you provide an example of how I would use a smart campaign to show all emails that are scheduled to be sent this week or 7 days out? Also, I noticed you mentioned folder structure. Could you explain how to setup a folder structure that would show emails scheduled 7 days out?


Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Need help in creating an email report to show me emails scheduled out 7 days in the future.

Well, if a smart campaign is scheduled to send out an email, then you'd want to get the info on the smart campaign's schedule to get details about the email send date/time. Having a proper naming convention, folder structure, and tags (for programs only) would help you to query and filter the correct campaigns/email program using the Marketo API. For example, you can filter all the "Send Email" campaigns within the program whose name contains today's date + [1 to 7] days, optionally you can also filter on the apt tag values (in case you choose to include the date string in the tag instead of the name as well).


Refer to this program naming convention on the Marketo nation community. With that being said, there are no standard/cemented regulations for naming conventions, you should set up and stick to the convention that works best for you. Also, the response would contain the campaign's run/email program's run date-time for you to be able to determine the email send times and map them out. 


I hope you find this helpful! Please let us know if you have questions.