My team wants to track webpage visits from landing pages managed by gtag.js, not Google Tag Manager. However, neither Asynchronous or Asynchronous jQuery code will result in tracked visits.
Any recommendations to implement munchkin on these landing pages?
Need more information. Start with a URL on which you've attempted this.
There certainly is no reason to use the jQuery variant. Remove that, attempt to activate the tag w/Asynchronous, and post your link.
Hi Sanford, I appreciate your help.
But that page is loading Munchkin and logging Visit Web Page!
A thought: are you sure you don't have the wrong Munchkin ID in the GTag tag? It's 433-ODK-889 now.
This is the only smart list filter being used, and no one appears. 2019-07-09_1412
In Setup, is this showing Anonymous sessions or Known/Associated?
Well, the hit from my screenshot is an Anonymous hit (that's not from an associated session). So you need to compare Anon and Known.
The problem may be more that people aren't becoming known (which isn't only Munchkin's responsibility) than that hits aren't being logged.