Munchkin code for development enviroment

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Munchkin code for development enviroment

Is there a way to have Munchkin code in our development enviroment without polluting our production numbers? Other services usually let you craete a second project and use the key/id from there but I don't see a way to do that in Marketo.
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Re: Munchkin code for development enviroment

If you have enterprise you may be able to run a seperate provision for this. I know we have a sandbox provision and I suspect that it would be a different munchkin code that could be used for testing. 
Level 10

Re: Munchkin code for development enviroment

Jeffrey is correct, the Marketo sandbox is like having a second instance (but must have less traffic) with a diferent munchkin code account.

With enterprise you get a sandbox. The issue I have is whatever you build in your sandbox, pretty much needs to be rebuilt in your production. There is no push to production. With the exception of the Program and templates import library. We have a developer website that the sandbox munckin code is on and only internal network visits are collected.

We are currently have 2 instances using one domain. We decided to split out into Corp and consumer businesses.
Corp with all the bells and whistles, and Conusmer with less toys. Both munchkin cookies are placed on there business areas of the site and each business unit have there own forms.

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Re: Munchkin code for development enviroment

Thanks for the replies. So with 'Standard' there is no way to get a sandbox enviroment? 
Level 10

Re: Munchkin code for development enviroment

not sure, i'm guessing it will come at a cost.

Have you looked at Workspaces and Partitions? If you need to ring fence a group of users/countries etc could be a cheaper option.