Re: munchkin api add to list

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munchkin api add to list

Does munckin api allow to add the lead to a list on creation/update? I don't see this in docs
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Re: munchkin api add to list

Not directly. You can set up a smart campaign that looks for a web page visit by a lead, and then add that lead to a list. 
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Re: munchkin api add to list

Thanks, but page url wouldnt work in this scenario.

Does the munchkin code allow to set the lead source? that would be the more direct option.
Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: munchkin api add to list

@David L rather than the built-in Visit Web Page action, what about a custom Click Link Munchkin API call (you can call the link whatever you like)?
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Re: munchkin api add to list

So with your and Murtza help, it seems the correct tool should be: Visit Web Page. This makes more sense than a click, as its a page view (e.g. thankyou) that triggers the event - not a click i.e. registration. Noting that this is a virtual page view, needing the below code.

Munchkin.munchkinFunction('visitWebPage', {
    url: '/virtual-page', params: 'x=y&2=3'

With this, I can say "all leads who got to page domain+virtual-page" push them into the process.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: munchkin api add to list

Yes, you could use a supplementary Visit Web Page call like this.  I tend to use Click Link to trigger Interesting Moments because that way users can always trust that Visit Web Page signified a real page view, while Click Link becomes more loosely defined..