Multiple Visibility Rules, Forms 2.0

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Multiple Visibility Rules, Forms 2.0

I'm trying to implement what appears to be a tricky bit of logic in a form:
If the person signing up selects "USA" as the country, I want a "State" dropdown to appear; if the person then selects "CA" or "NY" as the state, I want a "Zip Code" prompt to appear.  If the country is not "USA", then a "Postal Code" prompt should appear.

I'm having no trouble with the State dropdown: that is properly hidden unless and until USA is selected as the country.  However, the "Postal Code" prompt insists on appearing by default.
These are the visibility rules I'm using for Postal Code:

Am I misunderstanding the logic here?  Aside from the fact that the Postal Code prompt is appearing when the form initially appears, the form is behaving as intended.

Thank you in advance for any insight!

(BTW, I'm aware that this is a dreadful UX, and I'm trying to get it changed.  Even if I can, though, I'd like to understand what's wrong here.)

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Level 10

Re: Multiple Visibility Rules, Forms 2.0

Hi Doris,

Try using the Hide option as following;


Hope this helps!
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Re: Multiple Visibility Rules, Forms 2.0

Hi Alok!

Thank you for the suggestion.  While it does solve the problem of the "Postal Code" prompt appearing by default, it doesn't get me the necessary "Zip Code" prompt when the US State is CA or NY.  If I have to choose, it's more important that I collect the zip code for CA and NY than that I supress the default appearance of the postal code prompt.

It occurs to me that I could (probably) get around my problem by introducing a custom zip code field (as distinct from the postal code field), but that seems excessively cumbersome.
Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Multiple Visibility Rules, Forms 2.0

You need visibility rules on both Postal Code and Zip Code as different rules and different fields.
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Re: Multiple Visibility Rules, Forms 2.0

Hi Josh,
Yes, except that we have only the one postal code field: we don't have a distinct zip code field.  I've considered adding one, but I'm not sure what effect that would have on our existing CRM integration.