Re: Multiple Calendar Tokens in Confirmation Email

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Level 5

Multiple Calendar Tokens in Confirmation Email

Hi Community Friends,

I have created a landing page with a form for leads to fill out and register for breakout sessions. We have 5 total and have made it possible for them to register for just one, or as many as they like.

After they fill out the form, I have created a confirmation email which includes their session (s) and a calendar .ics file as well.

I have created the local calendar tokens for all 5 sessions, but my problem is, when a person registers for 3 sessions, how do I get the email to only show 3 calendar invites and not all 5?

I don't know if I just have Friday brain and I am completely missing something, but thank you for your help!



Accepted Solutions
Level 10 - Community Advisor

Re: Multiple Calendar Tokens in Confirmation Email

Is this a repeatable/scalable effort or a once-a-year event? The reason I ask is because you could create a segmentation for each session's registrants, then have a content block in your email for each session that contains the relevant information (and token), then segment each section by the registrant segmentation.

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Not applicable

Re: Multiple Calendar Tokens in Confirmation Email

Hi Julie! Sounds like an awesome program. I don't think there's a way to automate specific tokens based on behavior like you're looking for. You could make 25 different emails for all the different combinations of breakout sessions possible and create 25 different choices in the "Send Email" flow step based on which form fields they selected, but that sounds like far more labor than the fruit it would bear. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful but wish you the best of luck!

Not applicable

Re: Multiple Calendar Tokens in Confirmation Email

Or make five separate emails for each breakout session and however many they sign up for dictates how many of the five emails they get. Not ideal, but better than making 25 and likely will get you the same result.

Level 5

Re: Multiple Calendar Tokens in Confirmation Email

Hi Zach,

Thank you! I was trying to avoid either of these options haha

Not applicable

Re: Multiple Calendar Tokens in Confirmation Email

I hope someone knows a secret I don't because I'd love to hear it! *watching intently*

Level 10

Re: Multiple Calendar Tokens in Confirmation Email

Has anyone found a way to get Velocity scripts to output program tokens (my. tokens)? You could write a Velocity script that output the results and output each webinar/session name and then output my.tokens, but all my testing is telling me that program tokens aren't rendered in Velocity email scripts so far. Unless someone has come up with a way to reference my. tokens!

You could still do it through a Velocity script, but I don't think it's a worthwhile experience unless you can build the script to never have to change it later (aka, unless you can output the {{my.Calendar ICS 1}} program tokens that can be rendered through the script). Unless you're a coder unafraid of maintaining said script!


Level 5

Re: Multiple Calendar Tokens in Confirmation Email

I am most definitely not a coder, but thank you for the response

Level 2

Re: Multiple Calendar Tokens in Confirmation Email

We do this quite a bit with our larger scale events but since the tokens are not rendered in velocity script we've just manually created .ics files and loaded them into marketo as links (similar to a PDF).

We then use an email script that looks similar to the one below in the gist that will render links to the .ics files associated with the events an individual opted into.

email_script.html · GitHub

Hope that helps!

Level 5

Re: Multiple Calendar Tokens in Confirmation Email

This is pretty neat Sean! Thanks!

Level 10 - Community Advisor

Re: Multiple Calendar Tokens in Confirmation Email

Is this a repeatable/scalable effort or a once-a-year event? The reason I ask is because you could create a segmentation for each session's registrants, then have a content block in your email for each session that contains the relevant information (and token), then segment each section by the registrant segmentation.