Re: Multi-touch opportunity field

Not applicable

Multi-touch opportunity field


I am just looking for clarification on the multi-touch opportunity field. Does that number consider when the opp was created? So, does that number include program touches after the opp existed?

The actually definition is that it is a portion of credit the program received for influencing the creation of the opportunity. That would lead me to believe that it would not include touches after the opp was created. But I am hoping someone can confirm it for me.

Thanks! Katie
Marketo Employee

Re: Multi-touch opportunity field

Hey Katie,

Multi-touch attribution is determined by a lead/contact reaching a success program status in between the Created date of the Opportunity, and the close date of the opportunity.  If the automatically generated dates do not match the reality, you can use the Change Program Success flow step to alter the date at which success was reached in order to correct attribution.
Not applicable

Re: Multi-touch opportunity field

Hey Kenny,

Thanks for the reply.

If I am reading your email correctly, you are saying that MT oppty numbers include program successes after the oppty has been created. Is that correct? Just want to make sure I am reading it correctly.

Thanks for your help! Katie
Level 10

Re: Multi-touch opportunity field

Thats correct Katie, MT number is counted until this opp closes