I came in this morning to find that all of our MSI Email Templates inside of Salesforce are coming up blank.
Currently working with Marketo to try and find any sort of resolution.
Is anyone else having these issues?
Thanks Josh. We noticed the same thing. I logged a ticket as well.
Just scheduled a GTM here shortly so hopefully they find an answer.
I'm sorry to say but I'm glad it's not just us.
noticing the same thing on our end
From my call earlier I had been told that this issue is currently flagged as P1.
Have there been any updates to this since Friday?
Hi Jenn,
We had the same issue, but it was resolved over the weekend. So everything is working as normal again for us.
Yes - I did not hear anything back from Marketo around my case but I did just check Salesforce and things appear to be back to normal.