Move progressive profile window

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Move progressive profile window

You include these external scripts from the HTML pane of the CodePen:

<script id="teknklFormsPlus-0.2.1-tag" src="//"></script>

<script id="teknklFormsPlus-0.2.1-reorder" src="//"></script>

Then you include the whenReady() function from the JS pane of the Pen in another <script>.

Not applicable

Re: Move progressive profile window

BTW, we're using non-Marketo landing pages, so is this something I can code within the form that will work on all pages using the form?

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Move progressive profile window

You have to add code beyond the embed snippet: it's not practical to keep everything in the form descriptor itself.

Not applicable

Re: Move progressive profile window

Thanks, Sandy. But do I add it after the </script>? We have tons of landing pages using that form - how do I get them to update?

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Move progressive profile window

After the closing </script> at the end of the default embed code, sure.

Updating 3rd-party pages is gonna be a manual thing.

Not applicable

Re: Move progressive profile window

Thanks, Sandy. It's not feasible for us to update the LPs manaully, so I guess I'll make the progressive field standard. Thanks again for the help.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Move progressive profile window

Well, you can embed the JS-based behaviors in the form descriptor by using a Rich Text Area.  I just don't like to encourage it because that's such a bad UI to manage/author code.

Going forward, probably a good idea to not use the standard embed code. You can keep the first part (the remote <script> that loads forms2.min.js) but have the second <script> be another remote script include instead of a local script. To start off, the remote script just has the single default line of code:

MktoForms2.loadForm("//", "123-ABC-789", 1234);

But now it's a dynamic script, so you can add other behaviors to it later without changing the embed code on the LP itself.