Move an email campaign

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Move an email campaign

You can create a sub email program within a parent program type; however, i am not able to move an existing email program into a parent program. Why is this not possible/Is this possible?
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Re: Move an email campaign

To me it seems like a sort of weird scenario that you would nest programs, and in general you really can't do it.  I've never been in a situation where I wanted to create an email program within a parent Default program, for example.  And the only other case where you can quasi-nest a program is using one within an Engagement Program step.  For the most part I would suggest just using folders on your top level and to separate programs and assets, and keep your programs separate - better for reporting, campaign membership etc. that way anyway, imho.

Would love to hear feedback from others whether there are other use cases for this though!
Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Move an email campaign

Yes, child email send programs cannot be "moved". They are part of that Parent Program.
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Re: Move an email campaign

Josh is correct, these are known as Email Program assets instead of programs.

However, since you can't move it, you can always clone it into another program or campaign folder if you'd like.   This accomplishes the same thing.