mktoImgWidth not working in 2.0 email templates

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mktoImgWidth not working in 2.0 email templates


I'm currently struggling with the new Editor v2.0 image inclusion methods.

I am using the div method. As per the syntax page, I am using the following markup:

<div class="mktoImg" id="article-image" mktoName="Article Image" mktoImgLink="" mktoImgSrc="" mktoImgWidth="210"> 

     <a style="text-decoration:none;color:#0563c1;"><img style="border-width:0;height:auto;display:block;width:100%;max-width:210px;" /></a>


When I use my template and add an image, it ignores mktoImgWidth.

They wrong dimensions appear in the Dimensions fields when I upload the new image:

Screen Shot 2016-07-29 at 7.04.39 PM.png

Then when I inspect the code on the preview, this is how it has turned out (asset URL edited for brevity):

<div class="mktoImg" id="article-image" style="margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;margin-right:0;margin-left:0;">

<a style="text-decoration:none;color:#0563c1;" href="" target="_blank">

<img style="border-width:0;height:auto;display:block;width:100%;max-width:210px;" src="/index.php/lpTemplate/proxyAsset?idx=xxx" width="550" height="367">



As you can see, it's generating width="550", and there is a fixed pixel height set on the image which I do not want.

I have tried setting up images using variables instead, but this is no longer viable since I discovered that any variable used in a module is global. I am trying to create article modules that users can duplicate to add as many news items as they like; this obviously doesn't work if they all have the same image.

Any help much appreciated!


Accepted Solutions
Level 10

Re: mktoImgWidth not working in 2.0 email templates

We're working on this functionality now, I expect < 1 month.

View solution in original post

Level 10

Re: mktoImgWidth not working in 2.0 email templates

Hi Nicole,

We have experienced the same issue.

I think it's a bug, or it only works if you do not add the img within the div in your template. Justin Cooperman​, can you confirm or let us know what we are missing?

This only matters for Outlook though, and the fact that it wold not be responsive on Outlook is not really a problem.

Also, from Justin's comment here, module level variable values is something Marketo is working on.

You may find a few things of interest here: Email editor 2.0 is leaving room for a v2.1


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Re: mktoImgWidth not working in 2.0 email templates

Hi Grégoire,

Thanks for chiming in. For us Outlook is a non-negotiable client; it is still ranked the 5th most popular email client, so certainly not something to be ignored just yet.

It's not that emails can't be responsive in Outlook, it's that they won't render correctly at all in Outlook with this bug. It sounds like you already know this, but Outlook ignores any CSS widths for images and will only respect the html width="x" attribute. Without it, absolutely every image that a client adds to their template is going to display in Outlook at their native dimensions, which invariably means humungous images at all different sizes. Certainly not a good look.

Thanks for the link on module level variables — that's excellent news. Looking forward to that in the Summer release.


Level 10

Re: mktoImgWidth not working in 2.0 email templates

Hi Nicole,

I am not writing Outlook should be ignored, I am saying that the width / height attributes are used only by outlook and that they will be automatically setup from the image real size so that the image is rendered without distorsion. You just have to tell the user to set up the width at 210 and the height will be computed correctly, provided the ratio is locked.

For other email clients, theses attributes are ignored as you wrote, provided you have a CSS setting that overrides it.

Anyway, we always provide email templates with dummy images that display the expected dimensions and we always train the user to comply with these dimensions.

There is, IMHO, another point that is in fact more disturbing and that you comment reveals: the fact that we cannot limit the dimensions of the image to force the users to insert the images at the right dimensions. See this:


Level 10

Re: mktoImgWidth not working in 2.0 email templates

and also:

You can save your template using some <!--[if mso]> conditional instruction to create fixed width table around the image. This table will constrain the image max width, even if the image the user inserted is larger.


Not applicable

Re: mktoImgWidth not working in 2.0 email templates

Hi Grégoire — how I wish this was the case! Unfortunately even a fixed-width table doesn't restrain larger images in Outlook.. if you have ever managed to get this to work, I would certainly be all ears!

Not applicable

Re: mktoImgWidth not working in 2.0 email templates

Totally understand where you are coming from, but we have found that it takes a lot of explaining and hand-holding when you need your clients to either create images at the perfect size, or to type in the correct image dimensions every time. This was obviously necessary with email editor v.1 but I was hopeful that this new v.2 editor would do away with the issue. From the syntax explanation it sounds like it aims to, in theory, but that it's just not working as I expected it to in practice.

Level 10

Re: mktoImgWidth not working in 2.0 email templates

Hi Nicole,

You should take the hardcoded width:100% out of your style attribute. We can't override that by setting the "width" attribute of the <img>

that will always win over the "width" attribute. Make sense?

Not applicable

Re: mktoImgWidth not working in 2.0 email templates

Hi Justin,

Thanks heaps for chiming in. When I remove the width:100% from the CSS, it doesn't seem to make a difference; the finalised code that the editor spits out still has ​width="550"​ in the HTML when I use the same image which is physically 550px wide.

I would have thought if I have mktoImgWidth="210" then the generated HTML should be ​width="210"​.

Is this not the intended result?

(As a sidenote, I'm trying to achieve fluid-hybrid images, which is why they are all set to 100% wide with a max-width in the CSS.)



Level 10

Re: mktoImgWidth not working in 2.0 email templates

Ok, I understand what you're saying now. So, mktImgWidth will make the generate <img> element's width 210 (as in your example), but only for the default image you've specified in the template. If the user then adds another image through the Email Editor, it will override that value. Of course, inline CSS will still be applied if you've done that...but you can't currently control height and width attributes on the <img> after a user has selected a diff image.

We're going to make some changes to this soon so that you can specify a height and width and indicate the user should not be able to modify it. We'll also add a flag in the template syntax for you to specify whether the user should be able to modify the "Style" attribute from the image dialog as well.

In the meantime, can you just instruct your users to pick an image within a certain range that works with your templates? This is the same for our starter templates as well. In some cases, if you pick a very large image the images won't render nicely due to the same issue you're describing.