Mkto Email Performance vs Salesforce Progression Status Reporting

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Mkto Email Performance vs Salesforce Progression Status Reporting

I am having a hard time understanding the difference between the SFDC and Mkto worlds for reporting and looking for a list of what to look for or better ideas. Combing the community and asking support I learned:
  • Hard bounce counts can be off if "Email Performance report is looking for a total amount of Hard Bounced instances, while the number you are looking at in SFDC is the result of changing leads status in progression."
  • Email Performance reports do not include click link events for unsubscribe when bypassing the standard unsubscribe (we are using a preference center)
  • Other statuses such as Opened and Delivered don't always match up

Since I am not able to connect the two worlds are other admin creating custom SFDC fields and/or Mrkto statuses to makes sense of it all?

Thank you for any help you can provide
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Re: Mkto Email Performance vs Salesforce Progression Status Reporting

Marketo's tracking of Sent, Delivered, Opened and Clicked is totally independent of SFDC if the emails are being sent from Marketo.  Delivered may not mean that recipient actually received it, especiall if a Soft Bounce activity follows it.  Opens are dependent on the recipient displaying images.  If they do not display images, they can open and read your email, but it will not be shown as an Open.  Clicks are definitive - if a recipient clicks a link in your email, it will be displayed as a Click in Marketo.

Clicks on the standard unsubscribe link (e.g. [cname[.[your domain]/unsubscribepage.html) should not be counted as a click, but a click to a prefernce center will be included in the click count in the email performance report.

Do you have a specific example of a discrepancy between Marketo and SFDC that you need help understanding?