Re: Merging Anonymous Lead with non-anonymous record

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Merging Anonymous Lead with non-anonymous record


I have a lead which was sync'ed from salesforce (let's call him John Q).  He has filled in a non-marketo form on my web site, so I know exactly who he is, and where he was at 8:00 AM last Wednesday.  

I have an anonymous lead in marketo (we'll just call it X).  X has the 33 pages that John Q visited during his 8:00 AM jaunt, but, of course, doesn't know who X is, because no marketo form has been filled out.

I want to get these two leads (X and John Q) merged into one lead, so that I have the 33 web pages from X attributed properly to John Q.

There was an idea posted to simply add the email to X that matches, then run a de-dup list, pick the two leads, and merge them.  

This does not work, I THINK because the anonymous leads won't show up in the smart list, even if they fit the bill.

Any ideas on how I can either:
A) Merge these leads another way
B) Turn "Is Anonymous" to False for X

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Re: Merging Anonymous Lead with non-anonymous record

You'll need to create a Smart List with 3 filters:
  1. Is Anonymous is True
  2. Is Anonymous is False
  3. Email address is
Then use Custom Filter logic to say:

(1 or 2) and 3

I have tested this functionality in production, and it does allow both known and anonymous leads to appear in the same Smart List.  You can merge the records then.
Level 10

Re: Merging Anonymous Lead with non-anonymous record

Chris, if your non-Marketo form has Munchkin code installed and can capture the Marketo cookie in a SFDC custom field, then you can automate this merge process using Webhooks (available on all editions, except Spark). Details in this document

  • Put munchkin on the page with the non-Marketo form
  • Use JavaScript to capture the Marketo Cookie ID (_mkt_trk) in a hidden field
  • Save this cookie ID in a custom SFDC field that is synced with Marketo
  • Cookie ID syncs to Marketo via this custom field
  • Webhook will associate the Cookie ID with the known lead records by filling out a Marketo form in the background