Re: Merge leads without adding lead scores

Level 9 - Champion Alumni

Merge leads without adding lead scores

I think the answer is that this isn't possible, but is there a way to make it so that when I merge 2 leads together, it doesn't add their lead scores together? This is overinflating their scores when they didn't do anything to make them raise. Especially when they are adding together our demographic scores so the same lead will get the points for being coded as an "owner" twice. 
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Level 3

Re: Merge leads without adding lead scores

Are you using a different merge lead function than the standard one in Marketo?  The manual merge lead functionality in the lead database allows you to select the preferred Lead Score of the leads that you're merging without summing them.  Could you clarify how you're going about merging leads, Amber?
Level 9 - Champion Alumni

Re: Merge leads without adding lead scores

I'm working off of the "Possible Duplicates" list in the lead database. I select the 2 that I want and then merge them together picking the lead score that I want to keep. However, it is adding the scores together. I can see the activity from it within Sales Insight as well. 
Not applicable

Re: Merge leads without adding lead scores

I believe we only add together the default score and not custom score fields. I'd recommend testing it out, but adding a custom score field and using it may fix the issue.
Level 9

Re: Merge leads without adding lead scores

Amber, I agree. I am also running into problems where my reps are merging two leads and it is causing them to become Marketing Qualified, even though they have not taken any action recently.

I understand in some cases that you would want the scores to add together, but I think this would be a much smaller percentage of the time. Chances are the record you are merging it with has sit inactive in the CRM for a long time.