Measuring the number of touches for each lead

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Measuring the number of touches for each lead

I'm looking to see how many times each lead has been touches in the last three months via our Marketo emails.

I think I can do this by make separate smart lists for each touch number to determine where they sit, however this would lead me to have many smart lists and is more work than I'd hope.

Is there an easier way to do this?

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Measuring the number of touches for each lead

Please move the thread to Products and someone will answer it there. "Central" is supposed to be for questions across the marketing discipline, not product support -- and yes, this is confusing!

Level 7

Re: Measuring the number of touches for each lead

I don't have a great answer to solving your problem right now, but here's the long-term solution to measure it over time:

In a nutshell, each email and engagement program template had a smart campaign that would add a +1 to the 'Monthly Email Sends' score field every time an email was delivered. I then had monthly batch campaigns to send me reports of all the scores across my segments, and then other batch campaign to null out the scores at the end of each month.

Level 10

Re: Measuring the number of touches for each lead

The question is already answered here: Measuring the number of touches on a lead

Not a so good practice to post the same question twice: I read it having the impression of deja vu and wondering whether I was becoming amnesiac
