Hello all,
Has anyone tried using basic math operators in Velocity in Marketo? The documentation says I should be able to use simple arithmetic in my variables, but for some reason they do not work in Marketo.
I am trying to take take number fields and convert them to percentages for calculations in my email:
#set( $test = ${lead.Some_Number_Field__c} / 100 )
However when I try to output ${test} it just outputs the variable in the email instead of the result.
I've found that if I use the Velocity $math function, I can get it to work, but it's just so tedious for simple operations:
#set( $test = $math.div(${lead.Some_Number_Field__c},100 ))
The above code does output a correct percentage (i.e. 35 => 0.35)
Anyone else have this experience?
Your curly braces are unnecessary.
But always use the MathTool methods, not operators, b/c the parser will fail (noisily or silently) in some cases, which is... bad.
ah, so using the long form, while tedious, sounds like the best way to do it after all 🙂
I'm hoping I can get a little help with something related.
essentially I am trying to reduce a specific rate (it's a token) by either .25 or .50. doing some research I found the following to plug in:
$math.sub($lead.autoPreApprovalNewRate, ".25")
$math.sub($lead.autoPreApprovalNewRate, ".50")
and that worked like a charm... except for I have one email that is not rendering the .25 token and is displaying the code instead. Am I missing something? why does it work for some emails, yet not others?
Please open a new thread, as this one's done, and highlight your code using the Syntax Highlighter.