Master Lead Assignment Smart Campaign

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Level 8

Master Lead Assignment Smart Campaign

This is what I'm trying to do:

Smart List: Fills Out Form is ANY

Flow: Sync Person to SFDC

  • If State is ABC sync to LeadOwner1
  • If State is XYZ sync to LeadOwner2

Right now we're doing lead assignment campaigns at a per-program level, which was fine in the beginning when we didn't have as many programs but now it's starting to become a real problem. For Example, if the State's are remapped, I have to go back to every single active program and modify each campaign, or if LeadOwner2 leaves and LeadOwner3 comes in, I have to go back and remap that as well.

What's the best way to set up a Master Lead Assignment smart campaign?

I'm talking about Smart Campaigns as well as any alert emails that will go out. Right now, since all the alert's are at the program level, I don't have to use a token in the Subject Line. I can simply put "New Lead from Contact Form" since the alert is tied to our Contact Form program. But now since this is a master alert email, I need some kind of token in the subject line that will automatically capture which form the lead filled out (If that's even possible) or else I have to create an alert email for each possible form that is filled.

Anyone else using Master Lead Assignment Smart Campaigns and Alert Emails? If so, mind sharing your set up and success/failures? Thank you


Accepted Solutions
Level 6

Re: Master Lead Assignment Smart Campaign

Hey Malik,

We have come across similar challenges in the past. One solution is to use interesting moment tokens to pull in the action and assets that triggering the alerts. The Marketo Doc outlines those tokens and how they can be used:

Tokens for Interesting Moments - Marketo Docs - Product Docs

For example, you could use interesting moment tokens to include something like "Filled out form: Global-Web-Forms.Contact Us" in your alerts. The tokens used for that would be:

{{trigger.Trigger Name}}: {{trigger.Name}}

View solution in original post

Level 6

Re: Master Lead Assignment Smart Campaign

Hey Malik,

We have come across similar challenges in the past. One solution is to use interesting moment tokens to pull in the action and assets that triggering the alerts. The Marketo Doc outlines those tokens and how they can be used:

Tokens for Interesting Moments - Marketo Docs - Product Docs

For example, you could use interesting moment tokens to include something like "Filled out form: Global-Web-Forms.Contact Us" in your alerts. The tokens used for that would be:

{{trigger.Trigger Name}}: {{trigger.Name}}

Level 8

Re: Master Lead Assignment Smart Campaign

Thanks a lot for your input!