Re: Marketo vs Salesforce field - which takes precedence in a sync?

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Marketo vs Salesforce field - which takes precedence in a sync?

We made some manual lead score updates in Salesforce, but Marketo overwrote the changes during a sync.  

If both systems have information in a field (ie. not blank), but it is different information, does Marketo always overwrite Salesforce?

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Re: Marketo vs Salesforce field - which takes precedence in a sync?


Marketo should overwrite SFDC. I always make changes in Marketo to be consistent.

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Re: Marketo vs Salesforce field - which takes precedence in a sync?

Thanks Kim!  When fields such as lead status change, it looks like Marketo takes the Salesforce value, instead of always overwriting. Do you know if something like that is pulled going by the most recent timestamp?

Also any ideas on making sure that the sync between the two picks the most recent information, in case a rep updates any fields?  I don't want to lose info that they manually update.