Re: Marketo / Salesforce Sync Limits & Priority Info

Level 7

Re: Marketo / Salesforce Sync Limits & Priority Info

Hi Nina,

I have an open case with support now that has been escalated and will be glad to report back here when we have a resolution.

This is an issue I have observed on and off for a few years in different Marketo instances and I think Marketo should find a way to fix it. In particular, once Marketo "realizes" that the new person it created is not new but a conversion, it executes a "normal" merge - which means the Contact record wins over the Lead record, data in fields that were populated on the Lead record but not on the "new" Contact record gets lost - and the new person ID persists. It seems to me that since Marketo is able to recognize that what it thought at first was a new record was actually a conversion, that the engineering team should be able to find a way to treat it as a conversion so that the data integrity is maintained.

As I said above though, I will report back!


Level 7

Re: Marketo / Salesforce Sync Limits & Priority Info

Hi All -

Here is the promised information as a result of our escalated support case. It turns out that our Marketo instance has Multi-batch queuing enabled. With MBQ, the objects sync simultaneously so the sync order shown above (and also documented here - by the way: doesn't apply. To quote Marketo Support: "When an instance is using single batch queue, pulling lead conversions always executes before contact/lead updates. When multi-batch queue is enabled, the order is undetermined and we cannot guarantee that pulling lead conversions will always execute before pulling lead/contact updates.

Our engineering team is currently looking into possible solutions to prohibit that behavior and it is also slated for our Q1 release."

Regarding the 2 instances I found where the conversion synced over as a New Person and was not subsequently merged with the pre-existing record, Marketo said "we see on the back-end that the reason why we did not merge the lead and contact record is due to an exception that was returned when Marketo tried converting the lead and contact record. This is a known issue with our engineering team and the solution for this is slated for our Q1 release."


Level 1

Re: Marketo / Salesforce Sync Limits & Priority Info

Does anyone know of a way to identify records that were in the process of going through a flow when the API limit is reached in SFDC? We are trying to find a way to isolate them so we can set up a new triggering action for the lead to go through the flow again. If anyone can share a scalable way to manage this, it would be much appreciated. Thank you!

Level 2

Re: Marketo / Salesforce Sync Limits & Priority Info

Thank you for sharing. Does anyone know of a way to see the sync backlog either via Salesforce or Marketo? I wish I could get more insight into whats going on. Thanks

Level 1

Re: Marketo / Salesforce Sync Limits & Priority Info

Every time I have investigated the sync backlog, I have had to work with Marketo support, and they have given no indication that I could access the information in a different way.