Cheryl C and Jeffrey - it sounds like what you're saying is simply having the progression steps on the summary dashboard doesn't really do anything for us. We can still run any report or create any kind of smart campaign we need to find out who did what throughout the campaign, but setting up channels to support those smart campaigns is unnecessary. Is that correct?
An example of a type of campaign I would normally want to track with multiple progressions steps would be:
Email is sent, so:
Email link sends lead to a landing page where we offer a download in exchange for more information and ask if they want a sales person to call them, so:
Filled Out Form
Requested Sales Contact
Downloaded Offer
The Channel would be as follows:
Sent 10
Delivered 20
Opened 30
Clicked 40
Visited 50
Filled Out Form 60 (SUCCESS)
Requested Sales Contact 60
Downloaded Offer 60
Unsubscribed 70
If I were to shorten the channel above to only "Member" and "Engaged," I would still get good data from the email program and I would see how many people reached the success point in this campaign (Filled Out Form). I could set up smart campaigns to send reps sales alerts, determine how many people downloaded the offer and requested sales contact, etc, but the channel does not need to track that in the summary, correct?