Re: Marketo Outlook Add-In

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Marketo Outlook Add-In

The help article for the Outlook Add-In only discusses the installation for the add in on the 2003-2010 versions of Outlook. Does the add-in still work on the newest 2013 version of Outlook? 
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Re: Marketo Outlook Add-In

Hi Shannon,

I'm not positive about this, but from my experience, it does not. I tried installing the add-in (I have Windows 7 and Microsoft 2013, including Outlook). Once the Marketo add-in was installed, Outlook wouldn't even open on my computer. However, as soon as I uninstalled, everything went back to normal. Needless to say, I haven't tried it again!

I work for a managed I.T. services company, so you can imagine that we try to stay on top of technology and many of our marketing and sales staff are already onto Microsoft 2013, so I would love to see some 2013 support for this add-in!

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Re: Marketo Outlook Add-In

Please vote for the Outlook 2013 - Sales Insight Plug In Compatibilty Idea which Marketo gave a status of "We Like It!".
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Re: Marketo Outlook Add-In

I just heard through another thread that the Outlook plug-in isn't on the roadmap. Would be great to have it to help support the sales team. Most are on 2013.