Re: Marketo/GA best practices

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Marketo/GA best practices

Hi all,

I'm looking for best practices for integrating my marketo landing pages with my GA. Is there an automated way to add GA code to the pages, or is it something that has to be done manually. I've been working in two separate systems todate and would like to end that practice. Any advice is greatly appreciated.


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Re: Marketo/GA best practices

Hey Mark,

If you're just looking for advice on installing GA code on your pages, then the simple solution is to just grab your Google tracking script from the Google Analytics dashboard and place it before the closing </body> tag on any landing page templates you use in Marketo. Then approve any existing pages that use those templates and you should be set moving forward.

One note- Because your Marketo landing pages are on a subdomain of your website, rather than the top level domain (info. or pages., etc), make sure in your Google Analytics script settings that you have the "subdomains of [yourdomain]" activated. It adds a slight tweak to the script itself so that it accurately tracks regular website traffic and landing page traffic in the same place.

Hope this helps!
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Re: Marketo/GA best practices

As Jeff said, add GA to every landing page template & you never have to worry about it again!  Though check on the specific way you have your GA code setup, if it's Asynchronous I believe it goes at the very end of your </head><body> just before the body tag.