Re: Marketo-Fu - Episode #37: Segmentations & Dynamic Emails

Marketo Employee

Marketo-Fu - Episode #37: Segmentations & Dynamic Emails

**Posting on behalf of Joe Reitz​**

In this episode of Marketo-fu, we're going to cover creating segmentations, and using those segmentations to deliver dynamic emails.

Want to learn more about dynamic content and segmentation? Check out the resources below:

Still have questions or comments? Let us know in the comments below!

Level 9

Re: Marketo-Fu - Episode #37: Segmentations & Dynamic Emails

This is great! Thanks for sharing!

Karan Hari
Senior Product Manager - Marketo Engage
Level 2

Re: Marketo-Fu - Episode #37: Segmentations & Dynamic Emails

Why do you distinguish Marketo segmentations & segments as "cascading smart lists" rather than a targeted audience?

We build an entire weekly 4-6 article dynamic enewsletter, targeting articles to defined audience segments (by their leadership role). It's a very complex build, but it works for us. The reporting needed by our marketing manager (the owner of the enewsletter) is the biggest nightmare.

Thanks for the tutorial.