Re: Marketo for Public Relations

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Marketo for Public Relations

Hi Marketers,

Just wanted to know if we can use Marketo for public relations.

Can you please help me with the below information:

-> What is the best way combine marketing and PR through Marketo (Please share any use cases or best practices which you have worked on)

-> How we can help our PR team using the Marketo functionalities (Please share any use cases or best practices which you have worked on)

I know this is a generic question but want to know if anyone has set up anything which helped PR team.



Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Marketo for Public Relations

I'm not sure this answers your question, but here's how I use Marketo around PR.

For very important releases, we send an email with a link to the release to customers or other highly targeted groups that might be interested (this isn't something you want to blast out to everyone though!) and we also include PR announcements in our monthly newsletter that goes out of Marketo.

On some of my forms I have "How can we help you" as a question with a drop down and one of those options is "Media, Marketing or PR" (or something like that). I route those inquiries to the PR department as well as group them in Marketo under a list. Then if my PR group wants to send to their media people, they can use that list along with any contacts that they have that didn't fill out the form.

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Re: Marketo for Public Relations

Thanks Christina for the info.

Level 7

Re: Marketo for Public Relations

Hi Ravi,

When I was an in-house Marketo manager, our PR team used Marketo for to send out their press releases to their contacts. We set up a separate workspace for the PR team - we considered a full partition, but didn't need it as the PR team didn't mind (in fact encouraged) if their contacts received marketing messages. 

Setting up good program and email templates for the PR team was necessary, but easy since their programs were incredibly simple.

Not applicable

Re: Marketo for Public Relations

thanks David for your inputs.