Re: Marketo Fearless Forum: Edition 03

Level 1

Re: Marketo Fearless Forum: Edition 03

This is exactly the type of overview I was looking for around the new Bizible + Marketo relaitonship! Looking forward to learning more about what it can do. #mplsmug​ #mplsmug

Level 2

Re: Marketo Fearless Forum: Edition 03

Love this quick overview! I'm sure it's been done before but I'd like to see similar with Cvent.


Level 8 - Champion Alumni

Re: Marketo Fearless Forum: Edition 03

I appreciated Juli's short tips video the most. Quick, digestible content that is useful to the bulk of Marketo users who don't have the fancy add-ons (like Bizible). Looking forward to the Marketo success ebook! #chimug Chicago User Group

Level 2

Re: Marketo Fearless Forum: Edition 03

Great resources! I would love to hear more about Content AI and web personalization! Minneapolis User Group  mplsmug

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Marketo Fearless Forum: Edition 03

All of the topics this go around are great!

Especially love the kickoff of the Champion Tips & Tricks Series, and to see my friend and fellow Champion, Juli James, featured.

Can't wait to hear more about the #Fearless50 roadshow and when it's coming to a place near me.

Updates on anything related to the just-announced acquisition by Adobe would be a great addition to the next edition.

I'm sure that #nymug and #hvmug would both love to hear more as well.

Level 1

Re: Marketo Fearless Forum: Edition 03

Would also love to hear more about the Adobe news. What are the biggest benefits to Marketo users that will come of the acquisition? New York User Group#ny mug

Not applicable

Re: Marketo Fearless Forum: Edition 03

Great video! Would be curious to see a demo of Bizible Minneapolis User Group#mplsmug

Not applicable

Re: Marketo Fearless Forum: Edition 03

This is great! I would love to see more customer stories featuring future product developments #BZNMUG

Level 9

Re: Marketo Fearless Forum: Edition 03

Would love to hear how the acquisition is going to impact the product roadmap, support, services, and Sky.

Not applicable

Re: Marketo Fearless Forum: Edition 03

Great story behind the forming of Bizible! Looking forward to watching the journey continue. New York User Group nymug