Re: Marketo Fearless Forum: Edition 03

Level 6

Marketo Fearless Forum: Edition 03

Welcome back to Marketo's bi-monthly customer newsletter, the Fearless Forum!

Back in June, we asked you to comment on the second video with the questions you have for Marketo, and the topics you want to hear about.

This month we'll be covering the following topics chosen by you:

Have something you want us to cover in the next newsletter? Comment on the video with your questions, topics, success stories, and feedback!

MUG Contest for this Fearless Forum

We’re challenging all of our MUGs to watch and share the Fearless Forum at your next meeting as well as comment on the video with your MUG name and what you want to hear us feature in the next Fearless Forum. The MUG with the most comments by September 30 will receive some Marketo swag and a feature in our next newsletter.

Criteria and Requirements:

  • žMust be more than saying, “I like this” or “This is cool”
    • žRather has to provide actual feedback or ideas for the next newsletter/Fearless Forum
  • žMust include your MUG hashtag/name
  • žMust comment by September 30th
  • žNeeds to be on the page where Matt’s video is on Community to count
Level 10

Re: Marketo Fearless Forum: Edition 03

Great run this month again, awesome to hear from Aaron enjoying the new Champion Tips & Tricks series too!

I'm still (always) keen to hear more detail about Marketo Sky as it develops (sneaky new logo, hmm?) and I'd be keen to see some interviews with some of the Fearless 50 and hear about their experiences and advice!

Level 7 - Champion Alumni

Re: Marketo Fearless Forum: Edition 03

I would like to keep seeing people talk about the things that are in the works/new and upcoming features/products like Bizible's integration.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Marketo Fearless Forum: Edition 03

Thanks for the overview of Bizible. I would love a future newsletter to include updates about Summit and other opportunities for Champions to network with each other.

Level 9

Re: Marketo Fearless Forum: Edition 03

Love all these resources! Especially the Bizible attribution Q&A. We're actually having our next MUG meeting on this topic and will be featuring a Bizible employee. There's definitely a lot to dive into within this topic, so keep it up! #HoustonMUG Houston User Group

Not applicable

Re: Marketo Fearless Forum: Edition 03

Love this newsletter format, with video and deep links to longer blog and best practice articles. Inspiring.

Level 9

Re: Marketo Fearless Forum: Edition 03

Thanks for sharing more about Bizible, more content like this!

Level 10

Re: Marketo Fearless Forum: Edition 03

Also appreciate the Bizible insights since we recently signed on and are just starting to see some results coming in! #nymug

Level 3

Re: Marketo Fearless Forum: Edition 03

Nice concise format. Attribution models are always a great topic.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Marketo Fearless Forum: Edition 03

Great episode! Bizible's founding story resonates and is something many of us are trying to solve now
I'd like to see 1:1 interviews with the 'go to' people in Marketo, people we should know about and can help answer our questions like support, engineering, product, etc. Hopefully people who like to post on the community too!