Marketo Analytics and Google Analytics reporting different numbers

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Marketo Analytics and Google Analytics reporting different numbers

We have the google analytics web tracking code on our landing pages. It seems to be recording pageviews fine but when I pull a report for the last 30 days of pageviews the number GA gives me is about 1/3 less than the number that Marketo Landing Page report gives me. Does anyone have an idea on why?


Level 10

Re: Marketo Analytics and Google Analytics reporting different numbers

Do all of your landing pages have GA code on them? I see that happen all the time—some templates have GA code, but not all of them. Some get missed, like the out-of-the-box template for landing pages, i.e., the unsubscribe page. Especially prevalent with enterprise companies, you get lots of rogue templates that were created by vendors a long time ago, and the final step of using the template forgot to include your GA tracking code. Then marketing managers clone old templates and landing pages that never had GA code, and the problem continues onward.

Google Analytics and Marketo will basically never show the exact same traffic numbers for a large amount of reasons, but a 1/3 difference is worth looking into.


Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Marketo Analytics and Google Analytics reporting different numbers

The Marketo LPP report includes hits from non-JavaScript-enabled clients (i.e. bots).  Unless specifically configured, GA does not.  Depending on the actual numbers, this could explain the discrepancy.