Marketing Qualified Lead Date not populating

Level 3

Marketing Qualified Lead Date not populating

The Marketing Qualified Date (which is a custom field on a lead's Lead Info tab) is not being populated for all leads that are scoring up to MQL status. The suggested fix from the Marketo support team was to change the Attribute for trigger Data Value Changes but this has not resolved the issue. Has anyone else experienced this problem? Any ideas on how to fix it? Thank you!

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Level 9

Re: Marketing Qualified Lead Date not populating

Hi Jess, can you share screenshots of the trigger campaign that's supposed to be populating the data?

Level 3

Re: Marketing Qualified Lead Date not populating

Hi Andy,

Within my lifecycle program, this is the MQL campaign. The trigger is that the lead score is changed to 200 (our threshold to become an MQL). The attached screenshot is the flow step we include to capture the date that the lifecycle status changes to MQL. Capture.PNG

Level 5

Re: Marketing Qualified Lead Date not populating

Hi Jess,

Here's how we do it and it works for us:


Is that the only action you have in your flow step? Are your leads getting held up somewhere else?

Level 9

Re: Marketing Qualified Lead Date not populating

Nothing wrong there. I would confirm that the field Marketing Qualified Date is a datetime field and not just date field. If it's just a date field, you'll have to use {{}} instead of {{system.dateTime}}

You can confirm the field type through Admin > Data Management > Field Management


then find and select the field > look at the field type


Since my field is Type = Date, it wouldn't work with your Change Date Value step.