Marketing Performance Insights

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Marketing Performance Insights

Today, we're just extracting specific data from Marketo via the API - vs. using the bulk export feature.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Marketing Performance Insights

Greg, are you suggesting that everything that can be done in RCE, can also be done in any other major BI tools (Tableau, Power BI, etc.) - when bulk extract is used?  I noticed the issue with “tags” mentioned here (Tags not populated in programs table ) and wasn’t sure if bulk extract would resolve this limitation.  Tags are a common dimension in our reporting.

Level 10

Re: Marketing Performance Insights

Hi Dan,

it really depends on how the export if being done (Tags can be exported, but you need to reexport the programs one by one, by ID, after getting the list of them). Also, in order to replicate evrything, the attribbution models have to be completely recomputed, as well as the revenue cycle statuses. The LP stats and email stats also need to be recomputed. On the LP stats, though, we would usually rather info from our web analytics.

So, out of of the box, not all reports can be produced from raw data, but with the proper compuations in  your data ware house, it probably can get done.


Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Marketing Performance Insights

Here is how Marketo is positioning MPI with current reporting/analytics (NOTE: "Advanced Report Builder" is referring to RCE):


Here some additional insight as to how MPI compares with RCE:

Q: Does this replace; and how is it different from Revenue Cycle Explorer (RCE)?

A: It does not replace RCE - it compliments it.  RCE has more content and designed for a MOPs audience. MPI is for a marketing manager who needs visibility across all channels. this is a must-have for every marketing manager that rests their career on Marketo success, to keep tabs on all channels and programs and spot consistent winners and losers. It gives you QBR-ready Powerpoints, allows you to dissect your ABM strategies, presents ROI in various ways. How else would they comb through every touch in 100s of campaigns and programs, across events, paid media, web, social, email … to get insights on TOFU engagement, ABM success, pipe, revenue, ROI?

Q: How much does MPI cost?

A: Pricing is based on database size.

Not applicable

Re: Marketing Performance Insights

Hi Ali,

There is a webinar video on the Digital Service Partners group posted by Eric Nelson, that I'm not sure you have access to.

Attached a Brochure with key details on it.

Hope this helps you!

Level 10 - Community Advisor

Re: Marketing Performance Insights

just about to sign a contract -- most on this thread seems right -- it's a slim version that can do some awesome things -- but maybe not for "the big boys" -- I'll know more in a week or two.

Level 5

Re: Marketing Performance Insights

Hi JD.

Now that you've had MPI for a few quarters, are you happy with it?

I assume from your above comment that your company isn't a "big boy", so I am especially curious.

Level 9

Re: Marketing Performance Insights

We are in the process of signing up for a full access instance and we have been confirmed that MPI would be a part of it. All the above comments were really helpful. i will be sure to post more updates and insights as soon as I get my hands on MPI

Karan Hari
Senior Product Manager - Marketo Engage
Level 5

Re: Marketing Performance Insights

I found this interesting thread today and would be curious if and how people are using the Performance Insight module now. @Grégoire_Miche2 @Dan_Stevens_ did you make it work?