Managing Having Multiple Engagement Programs

Level 2

Managing Having Multiple Engagement Programs

We have numerous engagement programs which all have different entry criteria. It is possible that prospects in our database can qualify for numerous engagement programs at the same time, but we want to ensure that leads are only able to be active in a single engagement program at a given time.

Each of our engagement programs contains numerous streams, so unfortunately having a single engagement program and achieving this via streams is not a possibility for us. We've gone through and created a hierarchy of which engagement programs should take precedence should a prospect qualify for multiple, but as we scale up, right now our only option seems to be going into every engagement program and adding new rules which state "member of engagement program NOT IN all of our other engagement programs". This is very tedious as we have numerous engagement programs, and it invites a lot of potential for missing something.

My thought is to develop a transformer smart campaign of sorts that will create a centralized location we can update each time we deploy a new engagement program, but with the flow steps available, I'm not seeing any great options.

Has anyone else run into this issue, and if so, how were you able to solve it?

Not applicable

Re: Managing Having Multiple Engagement Programs

Hi Wyatt, Prospects can be members of multiple engagement programs. We have a similar scenario and use the same method you are using, 'if member of this program then do not add to this program'. I am interested to hear how others solve for this.

Level 10

Re: Managing Having Multiple Engagement Programs

Hy Wyatt,

The type of smart campaign you are considering building has a name : they are call traffic cops. Search the community for "Traffic cop" and you will find a lot of hints and tips. This is quite complex to build, though.

I would rather consider using a field called "Current EP Stream". on each SC that add people to an EP Stream you can test the value of the field and see if it does not include a value of an EP that has precedence. Each time to add a lead to a stream, you update the field.
