Looking for a SEO/SEM Agency in the Bay area.

Not applicable

Looking for a SEO/SEM Agency in the Bay area.

Does anyone have an agency that they like?  It's so difficult to find a great agency!

Level 4

Re: Looking for a SEO/SEM Agency in the Bay area.

Hey Monica,

I previously worked at an online marketing company (where SEO and SEM was the main focus) called HubShout. Though they are located in the DC metro area and Rochester, NY, they're worth looking into!
Not applicable

Re: Looking for a SEO/SEM Agency in the Bay area.

I worked with BigFin - http://www.bigfin.com/ - in Redmond, WA and they were fantastic. My contact was Matt Stern matt@bigfin.com. 
Level 1

Re: Looking for a SEO/SEM Agency in the Bay area.

SEMbyotic is based in the Bay Area and we work primarily with B2B companies. We can help with SEO/SEM. We have customers in manufacturing, enterprise software, enterprise security, healthcare, lighting, consulting, and more.