Re: Listing Unsubscribed Leads

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Listing Unsubscribed Leads


 I am new to the Marketo API, but I have created a couple of test clients in C#, one using SOAP object abstraction and the other using raw SOAP XML.   These will provide a good framework to build upon.

 Is there a way to automate the extraction of all leads that have unsubscribed?
 I am investigating getLeadChanges but I do not think this wlll work.



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Marketo Employee

Re: Listing Unsubscribed Leads

Hey Stephen,

What I would do for this case is create a static list in you Lead Database then add all of your unsubscribed leads to this list.  Then create a trigger campaign with 'Data Value Changes, Unsubscribed, New Value is True' then Add to List in the flow.  You can then use the staticListSelector with getMultipleLeads to pull the leads who have unsubscribed.
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Re: Listing Unsubscribed Leads

Thanks !

I used your idea and am processing unubscribes.
