Re: LinkedIn Sponsored Updates - tracking lead source 'organic' vs. paid

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LinkedIn Sponsored Updates - tracking lead source 'organic' vs. paid

Started LinkedIn sponsored updates (not ads) leading to a Marketo landing page/form. I cannot figure out how to distinguish sponsored from non-sponsored lead source since they are going to same landing page, with same parameters - I am paying to promote an existing update on the company page.  Is there query string/referring URL information I can reference to distinguish conversion from 'organic' vs. sponsored LinkedIn updates? Could also see applying any query string/referring URL info with inferred company info to see those that looked but did not convert from sponsored updates.  Any guidance appreciated - hoping I am missing something obvious. Thanks!
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Re: LinkedIn Sponsored Updates - tracking lead source 'organic' vs. paid

No, I don't think you can. It uses the same link, we are trying out the same thing and so far we have just set it up so that we know that the post is going to be sponsored and any response organic or not is counted towards the one campaign. I do agree it would be nice to differentiate them.
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Re: LinkedIn Sponsored Updates - tracking lead source 'organic' vs. paid

Thanks Heather.  Maybe one of the coding gurus will chime in with something...there has to be something in the URL that gets passed since LinkedIn needs to know to bill.
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Re: LinkedIn Sponsored Updates - tracking lead source 'organic' vs. paid

LinkedIn uses a quick redirect to determine paid clicks, but the end result URL does not have anything. Ran into this same problem before, and just chalked it up as something that is going to have to wait until they change it. I just applied all of the conversions to the paid program since our reach was much greater there, and the likelyhood of a paid person already being in our system was much lower than someone who already follows us (organic).
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Re: LinkedIn Sponsored Updates - tracking lead source 'organic' vs. paid

I'm running into the same issue...I think the only obvious way to address it is if LinkedIn changes the way we can add a sponsored update...i.e., allow us to create an update that is specifically used for a sponsored update.  This is compounded because I offer the same content via different LinkedIn campaigns that I'm setting to do my targeting differently - I'm basically reposting the same update using a different tracking URL mutliple times.

What I'm doing in the time being is just posting the update and then waiting a few days until I add it to a sponsored campaign.  Not entirely accurate but I'm assuming that most of the traffic coming organically from the update will take place in the first few days.