Re: LinkedIn Sign-up via landing page

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LinkedIn Sign-up via landing page

Hi All,

I have a question regarding LinkedIn sign-in via Marketo form.
I can see only 2 options in Marketo:

1. Share/Like in LinkedIn.

2. Login with your user name and password to LinkedIn.

Is there a way to skip the sign-up window if the customer reached us via LinkedIn ad? 
Also is there a way to receive more information about the user via LinkedIn except of First Name, Last Name, Title, Company and Profile URL?

Thank you!

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Re: LinkedIn Sign-up via landing page

If the person is already logged in, they should not have to log in again.  However, they will still need to give us permission to access.  at the moment, there is no way to receive additional information from LinkedIn.
Level 6

Re: LinkedIn Sign-up via landing page

Hi Cheryl,

Just wanna ask if the person is already logged in linked in profile then after clicking on the sign-in button, will the form automatically updates the value.
and if dont then does he have to again login to give the access.
As this seems messy ,i have the linkedin API can you help me implent me that on the landing page?