LinkedIn & Auto Fill - Link doesn't work

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LinkedIn & Auto Fill - Link doesn't work

We are testing out the autofill with LinkedIn profile on a landing page form. When you click on the lead info for a person, a link shows up in the field "Marketo Social LinkedIn Profile URL" but when you click on the link - regardless of what the URL is - it takes you to your own profile, not to the person who filled out the form. Is this a bug or are we doing something wrong? The URLs are different for each person.
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Re: LinkedIn & Auto Fill - Link doesn't work

Hi Ashley,

My name is Raul with Marketo support. Can you provide me with the name of the form that you are working with as well as your company name? I will investigate further and create a case in the Support console.

Thank you,
Not applicable

Re: LinkedIn & Auto Fill - Link doesn't work

OUr company is e-Builder and the name of the form is "NEW Demo Form". Thanks, Raul and let me know what other info you need. 
Not applicable

Re: LinkedIn & Auto Fill - Link doesn't work

I have created a case in your support console and we can communicate via the case.  Case #187126. You should be getting updates via email.
