I put a lightbox embed code for the onclick of a button, but the lightbox form isn't pre-filling known users. I understand why it doesn't on pre-fill on non-marketo pages, but hoping I can add something to the code to pull in some info? Thanks in advance.
<button onclick="
MktoForms2.loadForm("//app-ab11.marketo.com", "{{mkto ID}}", {{form#}},
function (form){MktoForms2.lightbox(form).show();});">
When you use the embed code on a Marketo page, you are bypassing the Marketo named form element, thus Marketo does not include the form prefill fields (your JS block might as well be any old JS -- Marketo doesn't seek to inspect it for Marketo-like stuff, nor should they).
While you can easily simulate prefill by using tokens (see my comment on ) I don't see why you're not using a form element here. You can pop up the lightbox even with a form element.
I also strongly recommend you add this CSS whenever you use the lightbox feature:
.mktoForm {
visibility: hidden;
.mktoModal .mktoForm {
visibility: visible;