Learn from your peers webinar | Unlocking Powerful Workflow Automation: Practical Applications of Marketo Engage REST API

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Learn from your peers webinar | Unlocking Powerful Workflow Automation: Practical Applications of Marketo Engage REST API

Last updated date: April 19, 2024
Hi Marketo Engage Community,


Attention Marketing Operation Professionals! Are you actively seeking ways to enhance efficiency and streamline your marketing processes? Allow us to ignite your creativity with real-world examples of how the Marketo Engage REST API can revolutionize your workflow, minimizing manual tasks and giving you more time for revenue-generating endeavors.


Watch this on-demand 'Learn From Your Peers' webinar featuring @Tyron_Pretorius, Marketing Operation Manager at Telnyx. Tyron will walk you through the initial steps before leveraging the Marketo Engage REST API, showcasing practical applications such as lead merging, UTM tracking program creation, and activity data extraction.


Key topics you’ll learn: 

  • Learn what the Marketo Engage REST API is, how to create your first API user, and how to monitor API usage across different users.
  • Understand how the REST API can be used from within tools like Zapier and programming languages like Python.
  • Be inspired by real-world use cases of how the REST API can be used to streamline typical Marketing Operation workflows such as merging leads, creating UTM tracking programs, and extracting activity data.

Webinar Details:

  • Length: 30 minutes presentation + 15 minutes Q&A
  • Experience Level: Beginner-Intermediate (<3 months of experience using Marketo Engage) 

  • Roles: Administrators, Marketing Operations, Marketing Technology 

Watch it on-demand

Download the slides 


We've also worked with the speaker and Adobe Product Managers to provide feedback for the questions left by the live webinar attendees. Read on to see if your questions are answered. 


# Question Response
1 Can we get details on this set up of the smart campaign to refer to? Yes, you can the detailed Smart Campaign slide for the best send time use case in the presentation. 
2 Is every time we want to hit API it can be done through launchpoint only? Once you set up a service in Launchpoint, you can get the API credentials needed to make API requests. Any API requests made with these credentials will be linked back to this Launchpoint service and the associated API user.
3 Does Marketo have an API to connect with Oracle Marketo Engage's API can be used from within any programming language, tool, or platform. If you are asking about if Oracle has built an integration with Marketo Engage, this integration would leverage the Marketo Engage API.
4 Is there any limit on API users we can add? For customers who are on the legacy Marketo IDs, there is no limit on API users specifically but there is a limit on the overall number of users entitled to your Marketo Engage subscription. The API users count towards this user count. For customers on Adobe Identity Management System, you do not have a limit on API users and the API users do not count towards the total user count.
5 I'd like to learn more about how to utilize the API for analysis of engagement in Power BI The Microsoft Marketo Engage PowerBI integration is depreciated. At Telnyx, for example, Domo has Marketo Engage integrations to pull in lead and activity data from our Marketo Engage instance. Alternatively, the speaker suggested extracting activities from Marketo Engage for analysis. However, if you run the analysis with ChatGPT, please always ensure compliance with local data regulations and anonymize data whenever possible.
6 Hi, How do you detect in Marketo when a duplicate lead is created so that you can add to a static list? And how can you deconflict this when marketo is connected to CRM? You could reference the "Live Duplicate Merging" blog post authored by Tyron Pretorius to see how duplicates are identified and added to the static list. 
7 Would love to learn how to automate newsletter creation. (+ 4 thumbs up in chat) Learn more about how to set up automated newsletter by following Tyron Pretorius' blog post.
8 Why do API users now count against the user count? For customers who are still on the legacy Marketo IDs, the API users count towards the user count as they access the product locally. For customers on Adobe Identity Management System, the API users do not count towards the total user count, and you will not see them counted in Adobe Admin Console.
9 Hi, How do you detect in Marketo Engage when a duplicate lead is created so that you can add to a static list? Please reference the "Live Duplicate Merging" blog post authored by Tyron Pretorius to see how duplicates are identified and added to the Static List.
10 RE:  API User Creation - Does the email address matter since it's not a true user account.  So instead of using <real email address>, can you use <fake email address>?  I'm thinking about this from a scalability perspective where a new API user would be created per integation. Yes, you can use fake emails here. You should make them descriptive e.g. for a Clearbit API user you could make it clearbit_integration@yourcompanysdomain
11 Could you use the API to export subscription preferences for the entire database to a CSV? Yes, you can use the bulk export for this. However, the speaker would recommend using a Smart List to export these subscriptions preferences since it is much simpler. The only reason you should use the bulk export API for this is if you want to export the list programmitically e.g. when a workflow gets triggered or on a scheduled cadence.
12 Hi! How did you get duplicates in Marketo Engage? Per training they said that Marketo Engage dedupes leads? Marketo Engage has automatic deduplication but this does not catch all duplicate leads created, at least from the speaker's experience. 
13 We're looking to perform a cleanup in Marketo Engage programs and we've done most part but we have aprox. 500 Marketo Engage programs which we want to clean, they have a similar naming convention NAme-2022, we wish to move all  programs to an archive forlder. Reviewed the API documentation but there is not an option for moving the assets. Is this douable ?

Unfortunately, it does not look like it is possible to move programs via API HERE. This would be a good idea to submit in the community.


14 Hi...I don't have admin permissions...do I need those permissions to start trying it out during this call? Yes, you need admin permissions to create the API users and Launchpoint service. If you already have a Launchpoint Custom Service, you could use this to get the credentials needed to make API requests. However, this is not recommend since all the requests you make will be blended in with whatever platform/tool was using this Custom Service in the first place.
15 Would also like to hear about automating landing pages and emails Similar to this Marketo Engage Dynamic Content blog post. You could use the API to transfer content from a Google sheet to a landing page. There are API requests for creating and updating emails and landing pages so you can make these requests from code or an IPaaS tool such as Zapier to automate these processes.
16 As were sharing data across multiple systems, what kind of encryption is used in transferring the request and the data?  Here is an answer from Gemini: The Marketo Engage REST API itself doesn't implement encryption for the request or data within the API call. Marketo Engage relies on HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) for secure communication.

HTTPS utilizes TLS (Transport Layer Security) which encrypts communication between your system and Marketo Engage's servers. This encryption scrambles the data being transferred, making it unreadable by anyone intercepting it.

It's important to note that while the data is encrypted in transit, it's recommended to follow best practices for any sensitive data you might be sending through the API. Consider additional encryption on your end before sending, and ensure proper access controls are in place within Marketo Engage for the data at rest.
17 How do you know which set of of records amongst all duplicates, are the duplicates of eachother? Do you run a Smart Campaign per record? You can create a Smart List and choose what defines duplicates e.g. matching emails/names etc. You can do the same for the "Person Is Created" trigger and the "Duplicate Fields" filter where you choose whether to match people on emails or names.
18 Will this merge lead function work if the leads are created in our CRM (Microsoft Dynamics)? The speaker has never tested with Dynamics. From talking to others, if both leads exist in Dyanmics then it is not possible to merge them in Marketo Engage using the graphic interface or the API.
19 Thank you so much for sharing this - amazing coverage in a short time. I would like to learn more about how to use the API to integrate with Power BI to analyze engagement data. Is this a topic that will be covered in future webinars or available on your blog? The use case of "Data Analysis with ChatGPT for best send time" is a good place to start because it shows you how you can extract activities from Marketo Engage. For example, Domo has Marketo Engage integrations to pull in lead and activity data from Telnyx Marketo Engage instance. The Microsoft Marketo Engage PowerBI integration is depreciated.
20 Isn't open rate unreliable due to IOS? Open rates are susceptible to bot clicks and may not be 100% accurate but the speaker would still prefer to send to people based on when emails sent to them have been opened as opposed to sending to everyone at the exact same time. You can A/B test to see performance of sending at the best send time versus sending to everyone at the same time.
21 What are the best practices for removing old API custom services - Is it good to delete them straight away? data records will still have their references.. Also, how to interpret the API usage (requests made in the last 7 days tab in Admin section) to measure the usage rate? Any documentation around it? Before deleting any API services, check that they are not appearing in any of the API or Bulk API usage reports. That way you know they are not using any API calls and should be safe to delete. The usage reports show breakdown day over day for the last 7 days of API usage per usage. At the very bottom the total requests or total MB used per day across all users is shown. You'd want to make sure that these totals are below your API usage thresholds. Here is some documentation for reviewing API usage:
- Marketo Engage API and recommended best practices 
- Best practices for API users and Custom Services 


Got more questions or REST API use cases of your own about streamlining marketing operation workflows? Comment below to learn from your peers. 



Level 9 - Champion

Re: Learn from your peers webinar | Unlocking Powerful Workflow Automation: Practical Applications of Marketo Engage REST API

Hey everyone,


I'm very excited to share some very cool use cases of the Marketo API and show you how to take your first steps toward making your first API requests.


Even if you can't attend you can still join in the discussion here and ask any questions you have related to the API and getting started.


See you all soon!

Tyron Pretorius