Learn from your peers webinar Q&A Follow-up | Track, Analyze, and Optimize your Marketing Campaigns with Marketo Engage

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Learn from your peers webinar Q&A Follow-up | Track, Analyze, and Optimize your Marketing Campaigns with Marketo Engage

Missed the live webinar? No problem, we’ve got you covered. Find the recording and the slides below for your on-demand learning.


Session highlights:

  • Report & attribution maturity: First-touch, Lead Creation, Last-touch, U-Shaped, W-Shaped, and Custom/AI.

  • Data creation for reporting using Source, Channel, UTMs, Acquisition Programs, etc.

  • Analyzing personalization efficacy using Email Insights Report, Advanced Report Builder(ARB), Performance Insights Reports, and Segmentation & Custom columns. 

  • Advanced attribution solutions in Marketo Measure: Custom model attribution, CRM reports, SFDC dashboards and reports, related lists in SFDC, Account-based attribution, and A/B testing. 

See slides

Watch recording


We’ve worked with Ajay Sarpal (@ajaysarpal) and Andy Caron (@Andy_Caron3) to answer the questions the audience submitted during the live webinar to help provide more directions for your reporting learning journey. 


Check out the answers below. Comment below if you have additional feedback or questions to share. We look forward to hearing from you!

# Question Response
1 Is there a way to Sync Program Member Custom Fields to SFDC Campaign Member Fields without the one to one sync between Marketo Program and SFDC Campaign like the change status in SFDC Campaign flow step but for PMCF, as we don't always have a one to one structure due to multi webinar series or individual sessions within a single event? Only with a webhook. There is no native way to sync the PMCFs without using a Program level Campaign Sync.
2 What if my organization doesn't use a CRM but has a large number of Marketo database users? If you don't have a CRM, you can still leverage tools like Advance Report Builder or export this data via API to a BI tool to do analysis.
3 Do the program fields map to the campaign member fields. can they map to custom fields? They can map to custom fields. You just need to make sure field types match.
4 Can you provide documentation on the UTM program custom filed and SFDC tracking? This is a good Marketo Champ Blog on UTMs that you can reference.
5 When was the program filed mapping to SFDC member record released? This was in the 2022 product release - the documentation was last updated on Adobe Experience League in Dec 2022, here is the most recent link.
6 Are there limitations in reporting with Marketo Engage? i.e. timeframe that data is available? If so, what tools or methods do you suggest to overcome any limits? Some data does expire (for example, email opens). There is good documentation on these expirations such as this blog. But if you're writing data to Programs or Static Lists, that information does not expire or age out. Pulling data out into a data warehouse is another option.
7 Salesforce can be very expensive. Is there a low-cost, effective CRM option for non-profits? SFDC does have a non-profit option. Otherwise, there are other CRMs that are less expensive (G2 is a good platform search and review resource) but the functionality of many of those may not meet your needs if campaign analysis is your goal.
8 Are there any training sessions that dive into how exactly to set up and use these tips? There is a session on Lead Source. We also recommend you to connect with your Adobe Customer Success Manager to provide more 1:1 support for your implementation.
9 Can you see which links in the email the different segments click? You can't use segment in the "Email Link Performance Report" but you can use "Smart List" filter to get the link clicks by each segment.
10 How do you actually insert the custom columns for Smart Lists in the "People Performance Report"? You create a Smart List in the "Database" tab for each column and then add them as columns in the "Setup" tab on the "People Performance Report".
11 Can we use ARB to break down EPR by type of email e.g. Promotional, Operational, Nurture? You can see the "Email Performance Report" in ARB by Program Channels. So, the emails under Operational and Nurture channels under respective program will show you the data. Here is the Marketo Product Doc link.
12 How can we report on the PDF assets hosted in Marketo? If they are gated, a form fill triggered Smart Campaign inside a Marketo Engage Program to track engagement there. Or to look for clicks to that URL from a Muchkin code tracked web page or email. There is no way to look for visits specifically to the PDF.
13 Is there a Marketo resource that has "templates" for setting up all available reports? Like which section of Marketo to use for "X" report, what filters to use, etc. Each report type is a stock report that users can customize further or use as is. Please check out the product docs in the "Report Types" section. There's also some wonderful advocate content on the blog and on YouTube!   walks you through the steps to set up popular reports.

If you prefer a video walk through, this User Group presentation can be helpful.
14 Can you please elaborate on the "Opportunity Influencer Analyzer" where do we find that? If it is available in your subscription level, it is in the "Analytics" tab. Reference this product doc to configure your "Opportunity Influencer Analyzer"
15 Do you have any recommendations on how to use Adobe Analytics URL tags within Marketo to track web traffic from Marketo campaigns? I would use the standard methodology in Marketo Engage for this (aka pull in UTM parameters via form, leverage person fields, write to program member fields if desired, and SFDC Campaign Member fields if applicable). Bear in mind that you will only see what Marketo Engage can track, so it's unlikely that you'll see parity between the systems.
16 What's a good level of source values without getting too granular but having enough, especially when it comes to digital marketing? Look for buckets that will make sense to your CMO and how they think about souce from a 30 thousand foot view. Avoid terms that are general but not helpful like "Website" in favor or data points like Search, Social, etc.
17 We have Marketo Measure at our company. Most opportunities in our CRM do not have contacts attached. So, we use the contact-tied to Account method to connect contact activity with opportunity dollars. However, this seems to highly inflate marketing contribution to pipeline, because any contact who did anything with marketing will get some pipeline dollars, even if that individual isn't part of the account buying team. Any suggestions for improving the accuracy of Marketo Measure reports in an environment where contacts are not tied to opportunities and many contacts are on accounts? You may want to use "Attribution Touchpoint Suppression" here. Here is a documentation for this.
18 You mention Snowflake but does this also work with Adobe's RTCDP? (i assume yes?) It will work with any data that you can extract via API.
19 How are you using this tool(Marketo Measure)?  This feels more like a "sales pitch" but can you explain how you are using all of these in your organization?  Depending upon the requirements of the clients, we customize Marketo Measure for various use cases. Most of the time, we use the touchpoint data on Salesforce Reporting and Dashboards. Marketo Measure's Data is stored in the Custom Objects of the Salesforce. This helps us in customizing the entire schema if needed. I usually prefer to use "W shape model" move to "full path" and finally to "Custom Path Model" for attribution tracking. Read more about the attribution models here.
20 What if your CRM set up is not as advanced? Is there a minimal way to gain maximum results? You'll need to implement using the "Campaign and Campaign Member objects". Please ensure all marketing touches are tagged to right type of CRM Campaign with appropriate campaign member status
21 Can you use Marketo Measure to evaluate a distributor business, when you are not selling to the end users but through distributors? This is certainly doable. We got Marketo Measure implemented for a client relying heavily on Partner model. Just rename the Channel and sub channel accordingly. The most important part is that we should be tracking the opportunity on the CRM and Marketo Measure will track it.
22 I would love to understand how to use the opportunity influencer report. Here is the link to the product doc to understand, configure, create and export the data from Opportunity Influence Analyzer.
23 Would you include web forms as a lead source category? This is an example of how we would like to categorized the lead sources in 4 different fields.
  • Lead Source: Website / Advertisement
  • Lead Source Detail: Direct Traffic / Social Media: LinkedIn etc
  • Lead Source Category: Contact Request / Content
  • Lead Source SubCategory: Contact Us / Get in touch / Give it a try